Financial Solutions – Daniel Blue of Quest Education

Daniel Blue, Owner of Quest Education

Daniel Blue, the Owner of Quest Education, grew his company’s revenue from $114,000 in 2014 to $2 million in 2017, a 1,649% increase, and to around $2 million in 2018.  

Quest Education teaches small business owners and individuals how to save money, pay-off debt, protect assets, and receive funding for business or personal expenses.  

In this interview with Eversprint‘s Malcolm Lui, Daniel shares how he and his team accelerated their high value sales by:  

  • Focusing on what they are really good at, namely educating people on how to achieve their financial goals.  
  • Having the “right people on the bus”: their employees come by referrals, and most have been with them 3 years or more.  
  • Honing their sales skills, as “sales is a contact sport”.  Their appointment setters make at least 150 calls a day.appointment setters.  

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Malcolm Lui:
Welcome to the High Value Sales Show of I'm Malcolm Lui, the Managing Member of Eversprint, and today we're speaking with the Daniel Blue, the owner of Quest Education, a company that teaches small business owners and individuals how to save money, pay off debt, protect assets and receive funding for their business or personal expenses. Welcome to the call Daniel.

Daniel Blue:
Hey thanks Malcolm for having me on. I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you.

Malcolm Lui:
I'm really looking forward to hearing your insights as well Daniel. Daniel you grew your company's revenue from $114,000 thousand in 2014 to $2 million in 2017, a 1,649% percent increase and in 2018 you hit around $2 million. But before we get into how you grew your companies how fast can you briefly share what your company does beyond my quick intro and maybe also discuss how your company differs from the competition?

Daniel Blue:
Yes. So our bread and butter is retirement accounts so we educate the Americans on different options that they have with their retirement accounts. So what we have found over the years is a lot of financial advisors to banks. They aren't really giving people all the yes and there's all their options that are out there that people are not aware of. So we're able to educate Americans on how they can look at the retirement accounts in a different way. And by doing that we can solve problems. We can help them pay off debt. We can help them get business funding. We can help them save money for the future. We can help them have more options outside the stock market. So you know the big thing that separates us from the competition out there is a lot of financial companies. They're just trying to sell you investments. They're just trying to sell you stocks or just trying to sell you mutual funds or just trying to sell your real estate. And we take an approach of let's find out what problems need to be solved is it debt. Is it funding. Is it you're tired of the stock market. Let's identify some problems that we can solve and then help those problems

Malcolm Lui:
Right. Fantastic. Now if you agree a business of quite rapidly from one hundred fourteen thousand dollars in 2014 to 2 million in 2017 can you share what the three biggest drivers were of your sales growth

Daniel Blue:
Yeah. So we're talking the three two thousand fourteen PREA Inc. Or is it our

Malcolm Lui:

Daniel Blue:
Company would

Malcolm Lui:
Your company between the years of 2014 till today. And you literally started with a little bit over one hundred thousand dollars of revenue back in 2014 and now you're at 2 million. That's a pretty big increase. So what were the three biggest drivers that drove your sales so fast.

Daniel Blue:
So I think it's really just getting focused. Number one you know it's really easy for a business to try to be good at a bunch of different things and kind of spread themselves out because you know as a business you want to make money right to keep the doors open and grow. But I think it's important that this is just trial and error. For myself you know I'd rather be really really really good at a couple of things than just good over you know a lot of different things. So the number one focus I think is really important. That's been helpful for us over the years. Number two you know having the right personnel I read a really good book a year or so ago. Good to Great you know and they talked about you know the most powerful companies in America The Last of the hundred years and you know what were some of the common characteristics amongst CEOs and executives and employees. And one of the quotes that really stuck with me is when they talked about your team your employees you know you got to get the right people the US as businesses. You know we all have goals and we we know where we would like to go but there's a lot of unknowns there's a lot of uncharted territory. So sometimes we're driving that bus and we don't know exactly on the G.P.S. where we're going. But if you can get the right people on the bus then that's what matters. You want to get the right people on the bus and you want to have those people sit in the right seats because everybody has different strengths and weaknesses. So that's really important. Right. Because we've got an operation side marketing side sale side ad man customer service that's all a real important that we're playing to our strength and working together the team.

Daniel Blue:
That'll be number two. Number three would be sales. Right now we've got about twelve hundred customers twelve hundred customers that have a self directed retirement account with us. And out of twelve hundred customers we've got about 80 million dollars worth of money. That's spread out over the customers. So my customers have 8000 retirement accounts some of them have five hundred thousand don't have twenty thousand. Right. But we're able to to educate these customers and solve their problems over the phone. We generally don't see these people face to face so these people are trusting us with their life savings over phone calls over the phone never seeing us. So that means we have to show tons of value. That means we really have to sell good and a lot of people make the mistake of selling and telling and talking a lot and always pitching the product. And I have found that you know you really want to make sure that you're asking questions you're letting that the customer speak you know you're trying to find some problems to solve to present some solutions. So we've got a process where you know we've got a sales floor. We educate the customer from a to z. Helping them understand the options that are out there and providing them very good sales experience to get the customer what they need to accomplish our goal. So between having the focus having the right personnel on on the team the right people on the bus and really honing down our sales skills I believe those are a couple of reasons why we're in business today. And we've been able to do seven figures a year in revenue

Malcolm Lui:
So just to recap the three factors that you summarize again and which I'm on the same page gets focused the right people in having the right sales skills okay now moving down a little bit deeper on that but maybe before we dive deeper I just want to clarify something you talked about you having trouble getting twelve hundred customers and they have 80 million dollars worth of assets now just so I'm clear that's the fund's assets that they have but you're not directly managing them right

Daniel Blue:
Correct. Because these are all self directed retirement accounts. So some of my customers they'll work with me they'll move their hundred thousand or two hundred thousand dollar irate from Fidelity where they're tired of the stock market and they move it over with the with us and it's a self directed account and they already have a piece of property that they want to buy or flip. They already know which asset or where they're going to invest their money. I also

Malcolm Lui:

Daniel Blue:
Have some customers of mine that start working with us that have no idea where they're going to Nester money. Now our company doesn't sell investments we don't manage their money but we do have some third party partners that we would refer people to. So I've got one that has an RIAA registered investment advisory firm. I can refer them to something that way the customer can have stocks mutual funds ETF etc cetera. Or maybe the customer wants to do real estate. I've got a few mortgage brokers that I can refer them to so they can do real estate investments so they have a lot of options over here with us

Malcolm Lui:
Okay. So what you do purely is provide education and advice.

Daniel Blue:
To making sure that they're educated and knowing the different options that are out there than

Malcolm Lui:

Daniel Blue:
They can make an educated decision an informed decision.

Malcolm Lui:
Okay so let's dive in a bit deeper into three drivers of your sales success. First one you said was focus and being really good at a couple of things. Can you discuss what your company is really good at what what are those two or three things that your company is fantastic at. Because of the focus

Daniel Blue:
So the biggest thing is a lot of people and this number will price surprise you. Only about 5 percent of people are aware of a subject of retirement account. Most people that have a retirement account. They think that they can't touch that money and if they think they can touch the money then they think they're gonna pay penalties and taxes. So they think that they're handcuffed to their money. So we help them understand that is not the case. For the most part so the things that we're really good at when I say we're focused there's really three areas that we help people. Number one we help them pay off debt. How about a lot of customers mind that oh credit card debt. Term loans. Lines of credit. And this is debt. They're losing money because of the interest or their credit score is going down. So we teach them a retirement account that allows them take money out of that account without paying the taxes and penalties so they can pay off their debt and not have to worry about that debt anymore and then not worry about losing penalties and taxes on the retirement account money. So no one helping people pay off debt showing a better plan to do that and to helping them get business funding. So a lot of people that are meeting capital from their business they think that they only can work with the banks and financial companies to get lending to get funding.

Daniel Blue:
They're not thinking about their retirement account because again back to most people think that if they touch the retirement account their IRA or for one day they're gonna pay penalties and taxes. So we help them understand that hey you can use your retirement account in a different way. You can structure it to where you can use the money in that account to invest in your marketing to invest in products invest in your employees to invest in your building to grow your business. You can do that. So paying off debt helping them get business funding and the third way is teaching them a retirement account that allows them to invest outside stock market. Maybe they don't have debt. They need to pay off. Or maybe they don't need business funding but they've got their retirement account and they're tired of the stock market. They're tired of seeing their money go up and down and there's nothing tangible and they don't really have control over it. So maybe they'd rather have the retirement account dollars invested outside the stock market. Maybe they want to buy a piece of property. Maybe they want to do real estate. Maybe they want to invest in someone else's business or their own business. They can do that in certain retirement accounts that we can teach them. So paying off

Malcolm Lui:

Daniel Blue:
Paying off debt getting business funding or getting more options outside of the stock market are the three ways we provide value to people.

Malcolm Lui:
Yeah. Tony I understand that sometimes people ask why I'm not invested in the stock market despite my background over 20 years of hands on experience with the stock market. And I just tell them you know I look at the returns and the returns I can potentially get from my own business are significantly higher than the stock market. And it's under my control right as opposed to a stock market that knows what's going to happen right. Because the bulk of the returns depend on global macro factors.

Daniel Blue:
Oh yeah absolutely and that's what draws a lot of people to self directed accounts just the one of the things that we battle against and we're always going to battle it is financial advisors. You know that our financial system Wall Street doesn't want people to know about self directed accounts. They don't want people to move their money out of mutual funds out of stocks because that's less assets under management. Less fees for them. So you know that's why only 5 percent of people really know about a self directed account because they're just not taught about it or not exposed to what is self directed accountants

Malcolm Lui:
Yeah. And at the same time probably requires a little bit more work as opposed if you would just kind of paying someone to take it all take it you know take care of everything for them.

Daniel Blue:
Yes you definitely have to be able to think outside the box. Our company handles all the paperwork in setting up the process and not just taken in by the hand to where this can be hands off. So it can be something that doesn't require you know tons and tons of time. So just comes down to finding out what the customer wants and what their need is and you know putting together a plan that to fit those needs

Malcolm Lui:
Now how do you go about finding the right people and putting them in the right seats. You have a process for that.

Daniel Blue:
Yes. So I get data from companies that do seminars or real estate events or CPA or people trying to start Amazon businesses or e-commerce businesses or maybe it's someone that applied for business funding for their food truck or their construction business. So I get data from these different companies and from there I take that data and I load it up on my sales floor. I loaded up in my CRM and that's where we. That's our bread and butter at that point. We start smiling and dialing and getting on the phone with people and doing some fact finding doing some probing finding some ways to show about it. So then that way we can convert those people over and help them set up a self directed account with our help

Malcolm Lui:
Now before when we talk about the drivers of success in tow behind the the right person the right person the right people in the bus. Now we come up the employees

Daniel Blue:

Malcolm Lui:
In that regard. Or are you talking about. OK so am what you describe now about what you share with me uploading your database and then having your team call. Call them. This is more for business generation right.

Daniel Blue:
Correct. Yes. So I've got a sales

Malcolm Lui:

Daniel Blue:
Floor of got the appointment that will schedule appointments for our retirement account specialists and then my specialists will take the phone calls with the customers and really dig deep to find out how we can help them become

Malcolm Lui:
Okay. How are you finding that your team building your team your your full time employees.

Daniel Blue:
You know I've been been blessed some twenty 29 years old and I got involved in sales and I was 18. I've always been on the phone selling. And over the years I've I've ran sales floors and sales teams and I've been able to connect with people some very solid people over the years where I've had people you know essentially follow me where I go. And I ended up with this company four years ago actually started as an employee actually started from the very bottom at this company. I started setting appointments and worked my way up but when I came over here I was able to take to some people that I've worked with over the years. People that you know felt like they wanted to go to battle with me and I'd take those people any day to go to battle with. So it worked out really good. I didn't really think that the relationships I made in my early 20s would been really helped me with my business later life. So it's been a combination of taking some of the people in my network and then really what's been helpful for us now is referrals. I've got about 17 employees right now and I don't have time to turnover you know a lot of my. We've been around for years. I've got tons of employees that have been here three or four years and a big reason is because of referrals you know that that's been very helpful for us in finding people that fit our culture in you know enjoy being on the phone and enjoy being in the retirement account with

Malcolm Lui:
Right. Makes sense. And the third driver. How about sales skills. The ones that help you get to the twelve under customer level that you have now. Talk a little bit about your sales process. You you. You should know a bit about it already. Building your initial database and then you talked a little bit about loading into CRM and in your sales team goes out and does this smiling and dialing he talk a bit about your process a little bit more about the process

Daniel Blue:
Yes. So the main thing is and this is something I try to teach and instill in the team the sales team. It's a contact sport. You know since we don't do anything face to face we have to do a whole lot of hand-to-hand combat. So you know my appointment setters they're required to dial. You know at least one hundred and fifty calls a day or have at least three hours talk time. One of the other. So you know we really hone in on our metrics and the benchmarks that require you know. So it's a lot of smiling and dialing. It's a lot of emailing to get a hold of people text messaging you know. So in that way we can find different methods to communicate with people. So my appointment centers you know they do a lot of the digging right there call in their texting they're e-mailing they're getting the prospect on the phone. Other times we don't know if the prospect has a retirement account. We don't know if we can help that person. So it takes some digging. So my appointment setters do the digging and then when they find somebody that we can help they'll get that person scheduled to talk to one of my retirement account specialists and then my retirement account specialist will have several phone calls with the prospect and explain the different self directed retirement account options that are out there at the at the same time at the same time trying to identify some some some pain points some places that they need help. Is it that is it business funding. Do they want to have more options other than stock market going down that road. And then once we are able to create a win win relationship where we can create enough value to get that customer to want to move forward with us then that customer will get on the phone with my processing team and I've got a processing team a customer service team that helps with the rollover that gets the account set up that helps out with all of the paperwork and takes the customers by the hand in getting everything set up from ADP.

Malcolm Lui:
Right. OK. How long is the role overtaxing. See I have an eye at Charles Schwab right now. How long does it take for me to

Daniel Blue:

Malcolm Lui:

Daniel Blue:

Malcolm Lui:
Things rolling.

Daniel Blue:
It depends because Charles Schwab you know might take two weeks to process the paperwork and release your funds. So it depends on how long fidelity or Charles Schwab what their internal procedure is. Is it 10 business days. Is it three weeks that they take the sit on paperwork and then release the funds and then you still would need to fill out the paperwork to get it back to us so we can get the ball rolling. So between you getting the paperwork back to us and then waiting on the custodian waiting. I'm Charles Schwab. I always tell people it takes about a month from the phone calls with us getting everything set up

Malcolm Lui:
Ok. And what are the fees like for setting up a self directed account

Daniel Blue:
So there is an annual fee of about three hundred and ninety five dollars per year. And

Malcolm Lui:

Daniel Blue:
That flat doesn't go up doesn't go down. So most people are paying fees based off of a percentage maybe 1 percent on assets. Right. So the more money you have the more fees you're going to pay are self directed accounts. They are flat fees. So an annual fee of three hundred ninety five dollars

Malcolm Lui:
Ok and then your revenue is not just coming from this annual fee then.

Daniel Blue:
Yes. So we get the revenue from the fees that we've set up over the years. We get a real reoccurring because a part of that three hundred ninety five we get for doing the customer service fee is going to the custodian. So I actually don't hold the money. We couple

Malcolm Lui:

Daniel Blue:
Of custodians here in town where they actually have the capability of holding money. That's really all these custodians can do. That's why I would never want to have a custodian because the government they just set him up where they just hold your money and they can't really provide customer service reeducated and they just sit on your money like a bank and that's it. So that's where we're able to provide a whole lot of value to people. So we do get a portion of the annual fee of the 400 hours per year.

Malcolm Lui:

Daniel Blue:
And then when customers have no idea where they want to invest their money maybe they want to talk to some of my third party partners. So for example you know we've got some third parties that we work with that provide fixed investments that are not tied to the stock market. So I see my customers get 7 and 8 9 percent fixed annual returns and we'll get a marketing fee for referring our customers over to the third party financial companies

Malcolm Lui:
Okay got it. So that's how you make the bulk of your revenue then it's when you find solutions for your customers and the citizens are executed by various third parties. And then there's a referral fee arrangement of some sort.

Daniel Blue:
Yep combination the referral fees and then you know the account fees

Malcolm Lui:
Right. Okay. Got it. Now can you share a little bit about your marketing in terms of you know you talked about building a list and in when I fired my spy tools to see what sort of online marketing that you guys are doing. It came up empty. I didn't see any paid ads that you were running in from a CEO perspective. Not a lot of keywords that you were ranking for either

Daniel Blue:
Yes. So this is something that the there's a light bulb for me. I was talking to you off camera you know getting ranked on in five thousand and being you know in a group of high caliber business owners. It was great and all but it really kind of hit me in the head and just kind of really shook me when I realized Mike man ah ah our technology and this this world we live in more and more attention is going on social media it's going on the Internet it's going on the digital platforms and here our company is having no digital presence. And you know yeah it's great. We've been able to build this company and get to work. You know we're able to generate revenue and you know have employees and customers without doing visual marketing without having you know presence online. But there's that old saying you know if you keep doing the same thing over and over you're gonna get the same results. And I felt like they needed to make some changes if we did it we would get we'd be like those dinosaurs would be extinct right. So you know we're in the process of you know getting some some processes in place to be able to start doing some some paid marketing keywords things like that. So you know as we're talking right now you know we're doing this first week of January 2019 you and I are chatting. We actually have some goals to start spending some money in the ad game here this month

Malcolm Lui:
You share what your marketing plans are for this year.

Daniel Blue:
Yes. So we really want to make a big push on social media like Facebook and LinkedIn. So you

Malcolm Lui:

Daniel Blue:
Know our strategies are gonna be finding the right audience people that we know we can help or at least we have a good chance of helping. And

Malcolm Lui:

Daniel Blue:
Then having some good content that we can put in front of people to create value.

Malcolm Lui:

Daniel Blue:
Finding a way to get that that prospect on my sales floor so then that way you know we replicate the process that we have. You know we've been going through forever which is get them on the phone show some value and take them from a to z. We just want to be able to start doing that on social media. And I know they're the way to generate leads online. We just the infancy stages of doing that

Malcolm Lui:
Right. Are you planning on doing this in-house or outsourcing

Daniel Blue:
So yeah as of right now we're doing it in-house. I've got two people in that department and we've been going really really hard. You know Q4 last year really spending a lot of time building some landing pages getting some some video content in place. So it all starts with me man. I actually never got in front of a camera. I was really used to being the CEO the business owner where I didn't need to be in front of a camera. I did need to have social media. I don't really need to do that. So you know being transparent. It's been a learning process for me you know getting used to being front of camera now learning how to articulate my words on video and doing social media. So we made some good progress. You got a nice content library you got a lot of content now. So now it's just time to execute

Malcolm Lui:
Right. Yeah I'm for me I prefer audio or video because it's easier. Good video now and you get to look good. But you know for for us right. If I need to edit the audio it's pretty easy to clean. But boy editing video is a lot more

Daniel Blue:

Malcolm Lui:
Than that then editing

Daniel Blue:

Malcolm Lui:

Daniel Blue:
Right. I mean I don't. Just pick up the phone. Smile and dial and make it happen. So I'm used to that. I've been doing that for 10 years so now I'm having to you know pivot and do things a little bit differently. But you know I think that's really improper. You know whoever's listening listening to this you gotta get used to doing things that you're not comfortable with. So being honest

Malcolm Lui:

Daniel Blue:
I'm not very comfortable. So my most favorite thing in the world to do social media to be engaged is in groups to post every day to do videos. That's just not my most favorite thing to do. But don't you. In order to be successful what I've learned from people around me that are you know doing way better than me is. You know you got to be uncomfortable. You got to be comfortable being uncomfortable so trying to

Malcolm Lui:

Daniel Blue:
Get better

Malcolm Lui:
Yeah definitely. Well I can assure you that the more you do it the easier it gets. I mean my first few episodes of my show were a lot more rough than a little bit more difficult internally internally more difficult to execute then in our conversation today after I've done forty five of them so far. Right. This one's a heck of a lot easier than the first one.

Daniel Blue:
Again. That's I. I can attest to that. You know I actually started laughing the other day I was looking at my videos from June that I was doing in two thousand eighty six months ago. And then the videos I'm doing now. It feels a lot better for sure.

Malcolm Lui:
Yeah definitely. Can you share some of your sales targets or customer growth targets for 2013.

Daniel Blue:
Yeah. Maya so my whole goal I'm definitely you know about setting yearly goals. We definitely have some of those. You know my big vision is if I have twelve hundred customers right now with my 80 million then I really want to take this to a point where hey let's get this to where we can have 5000 customers. That's the number I really have in my head and I know it's going to be twelve hundred five thousand is a big leap but I really have this number in my head. Five thousand because you know I feel that I can take it five thousand then there's no reason why the math doesn't remain the same. If I have twelve hundred customers and these these customers have 80 million and if I can have five thousand customers then there's no reason why there should be your 400 million. You know these customers have. So that's the main thing for me. I know it's going to take a few years to get to that point. So as far as this year I just really want to get to a point where I can hold down and get our social media marketing our digital marketing on point to start generating some business because I know we can keep buying leads the way we've been doing it and we can keep doing what we've been doing. But if I can supplement that with generating leads on the internet using social media you know we should be able to hit our targets and you know for something like this year I'd love to be able to add you know 500 clients to where I'm at right now. So I can get one step closer to get at 5000 clients

Malcolm Lui:
Yep makes sense one step at a time right.

Daniel Blue:
For sure. But you definitely have to. It's really easy to just kind of set goals that are set. It's really easy to just gonna be lazy with your goals. You know it's one thing that I've always been I've always thought big. I've always wanted to do big things but I've actually realized as I hung out and I've been able to associate myself with people that are doing it way bigger than me. Like for example you know my company does seven figures a year. I've got people in my network people I can get advice from that are doing a figures 10 million 20 20 million a year in their business. And I found out that a big on denominator with people that are super wealthy is a distinct big man. They think just crazy big. And you know this it's real important that you set that bar really really high because even if you fail you know I'd rather get 50 percent of an unrealistic goal even if I don't hit the goal you know I'm not going to do a whole lot better that way

Malcolm Lui:
Yep. Yeah. I told you three last questions for you first one. Imagine someone is out cruising on the freeway driving 70 miles per hour a bar depending where you are and they see your billboard for kW education. What's that billboard going is going to say since they're going to be driving by and they're only going to have a 5 second 7 second look at it.

Daniel Blue:
A thing and say it be a question first have a do you have an IRA or for a one day question mark then it would be would you like to have your retirement account have options outside the stock market. Question mark do you have debt you want to pay off. Question mark do you need some business funding. Question mark if so give us a call or if so you look at Quest education you know it's funny that you asked that question because that be the last money. I would never spend money on a billboard in know like because then you you can't. How do you track it. How do you know how many people saw your billboard. I mean you

Malcolm Lui:

Daniel Blue:
Really look at that data. You know that's one thing I try to get really good at over the years is look you've got to look at your data you know the life

Malcolm Lui:
Yeah definitely. Yeah it sounds like you're going to have to have like four or five billboards

Daniel Blue:

Malcolm Lui:
In a row to have that message

Daniel Blue:

Malcolm Lui:
Not just

Daniel Blue:

Malcolm Lui:

Daniel Blue:
Yeah you were. You are right sir

Malcolm Lui:
Yep. And then my last question for you Who are your ideal customers and what's the best way for them to contact your team.

Daniel Blue:
So my ideal customer is someone that has an existing IRS or for a one K so an existing retirement account and that person that has an existing retirement account wants to do one of three things. They either want to take their existing retirement account and have more options outside than outside the stock market. Number one Number two they want to pay off some debt or they'd like to hear out another plan to pay off their debt. Number three they need business funding. Then they need some working capital for their food truck or their e-commerce business. Their real estate business or the restaurant where they can find this. W w w that your quest. Dot com. So while you are Q You Eesti so your quest dot com end. I chose that name because we help people in all different areas right. So we help people that are just starting their business. They just literally set up their LLC and they haven't even made money yet. And we'll show them how to accomplish some of their financial goals and we also help help people that are savvy real estate investors or they've been in business for years and years and years. So everybody's at a different point in their quest. And if people don't know about a self directed retirement account then I believe it's my duty to at least shed light on it so they at least know about it they're aware and then that way they can make a decision for themselves.

Malcolm Lui:
Yeah makes sense. Definitely. And you're helping them accomplish their goals and in here it's a win win for everybody.

Daniel Blue:
That's that's what it's about man. I take it as like I was telling you I was telling you off line you I'm still on the phones I'm still talking to customers. I don't feel like I've seen you off line for this business to really grow. Eventually I'm going to have to you know kind of be less hands on but I think I'm always going to stay on the phone and I really enjoy talking to customers getting feedback understanding what we're doing it at. What are some things that we need to improve because it's all about the customer it's all about helping people. If you really can provide people both short term and long term solutions that's that's what it's about. If you can help enough people eventually the money will come

Malcolm Lui:
Yeah but I agree. Thanks for joining us today Daniel and sharing how you accelerate your company's high value sales.

Daniel Blue:
Hey thank you for the time. Hopefully there's some people that listen to this that don't they got value out of this. That was that was my goal. I wanted to be able to speak to some people that hopefully can resonate with this and maybe take a good nugget or two away and come away with some value.

Malcolm Lui:
Oh yeah definitely I mean one for me one value is that there are options beyond my right that I have for one case that I know many other people have who work for large companies right. For sure that's useful and also hearing how you grew your business. That too is very helpful to me and I'm sure to others as well. So thank you for sharing it

Daniel Blue:
Thank you for having me on. However I can help out love what you're doing here. Here to support you and see you in.

Malcolm Lui:
All right. Awesome.

Malcolm Lui:
We've been speaking Daniel Blue, the owner of Quest Education, about his company's rapid growth. For interviews with other fast growing high value sales companies, or to learn how we can accelerate your firm's high value sales through automation, visit

Automatically convert your audio files to text with Sonix. Sonix is the best online, automated transcription service.

Sonix uses cutting-edge artificial intelligence to convert your Computer generated transcript - Quest Education Interview files to text.

Sonix takes transcription to a whole new level. Here are five reasons you should transcribe your podcast with Sonix. Sonix has the world's best audio transcription platform with features focused on collaboration. Automated transcription can quickly transcribe your skype calls. All of your remote meetings will be better indexed with a Sonix transcript. Automated transcription is getting more accurate with each passing day. Are you a podcaster looking for automated transcription? Sonix can help you better transcribe your podcast episodes. Get the most out of your audio content with Sonix. Sometimes you don't have super fancy audio recording equipment around; here's how you can record better audio on your phone.

Sonix uses cutting-edge artificial intelligence to convert your Computer generated transcript - Quest Education Interview files to text.

Sonix is the best online audio transcription software in 2020—it's fast, easy, and affordable.

If you are looking for a great way to convert your audio to text, try Sonix today.

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